Click to send feedback.

Select Cameras

Due to the recent updates to the Config Calculator, please consider re-adding your Illustra cameras to the configuration to get the updated numbers.

Description Qty Make Model Compression Resolution Scene Activity FPS Normal Light Record Hours Low Light Record Hours Days Data Rate (Mbps) Storage (TB)

Timelapse Recording Interval (seconds) Software Only

Analog Cameras: 0
IP Cameras: 0
Camera Data Rate: 0.0 Mbps
Storage Data Rate: 0.0 Mbps
Upload Bandwidth: 0.0 Mbps
Storage Required:
(Based on usable storage)
0 TB
Compatible Servers:

Select Server Options

RAID for Video Storage
RAID for Operating System
Quad NIC
Redundant Power Supply
Linux OS
Windows OS
Windows Server OS
Will Host Client Software
Will Host WebService (Web / Mobile Connections)
Requires Alarm Inputs
POE+ Camera Power Management
Provide Kantech Onboard
Host CSA Certified 3rd Party Applications
Next Business Day Onsite Support

Any Series

Compatible Models

Type Model

Analog Cameras: 0
IP Cameras: 0
Camera Data Rate 0.0 Mbps
Storage Data Rate: 0.0 Mbps
Upload Bandwidth: 0.0 Mbps
Storage Required: 0 TB
Compatible Servers:

Select Server Configuration

Sort By:

Page 1 of #

Qty Model Series Description Spare
Network Capacity
Storage Capacity
Spare Video Storage Rate Spare Analog Inputs Spare IP Inputs
Page 1 of #

Select Model Options

Qty Model Description
Select a server model to find its options.

View System Report

Discount Level:


Bill of Materials

Qty Model Description

Additional Upgrades

Qty Model Description

Final Configuration


Qty Description Type Make Model Compression Resolution Scene Activity Frame Rate Normal Hours Low Light Hours Days Stored Camera Traffic (Mbps) Storage Rate
Total Storage (TB) IP License Qty Analog Qty


Qty Model Description

Spare Capacity ( + / - ): 0 0 0 0 0

Terms and Conditions

This calculator generates approximate storage and bandwidth estimations. The values provided are for planning purposes only.

Current Version: v1.33.240808 - Click for changelog.

Step 1:

  • Description: optional description field
  • Quantity: Enter the quantity of cameras used for each make/model and configuration. For example, identical models with different frame rate, recording duration, days storage should be entered on two different lines.
  • Type: Select analog or IP
  • Make / Model: N/A on analog cameras, optional on IP. If a specific camera model does not appear in the list, then Exacq has not tested integration and cannot certify the camera integration.
  • Resolution: Select the video resolution for analog cameras, optional on IP.
  • Frame Rate (FPS): Enter the frame rate the camera will be configured to send. Generally speaking, video becomes fluid at 7.5FPS and most users notice very little gain between 15-30FPS on real-time playback.
    • For Multi-Imager Cameras: Multi-imager cameras should be entered with the cumulative image size and frame rate per camera, not per imager.
  • Data Rate (Mbps): Enter the recommended data rate from the camera manufacturer. The wrench icon will open a browser window linking to the manufacturer's calculator for further assistance. Be aware the data rate on some cameras will increase substantially in low/no light conditions, leading to shortened storage or server throttling.
  • Average Frame Size (KB): Calculated from the data rate field
  • Normal Record Hours: Enter the number of hours per day you will be recording normally.
  • Low Light Hours: Enter the number of hours per day you will be recording in low light conditions. This will give you a more accurate data rate result. The total between normal and low light hours cannot be greater than 24 hours.
  • Days of Storage: Enter the number of days of video storage required for the camera(s). For motion based recording, do not include any days for which no motion is expected such as holidays.
  • Max System Wide Storage: Set to 100% if all cameras are continuously recorded. For motion based recording, enter the maximum % of cameras in simultaneous motion alarm. Typically 90-100% for buildings with synchronized motion (schools, sports stadiums, etc.), less for non-synchronized motion (office buildings, retail estabishments, etc.)
  • Maximum Number of Servers: Enter the maximum number of servers desired to increase/decrease the number of compatible servers.
  • Software Only: Select this box for software only sales
  • Analog Cameras: Displays the total number of configured analog cameras
  • IP Cameras: Displays the total number of configured IP cameras
  • Storage Data Rate: Displays the instantaneous camera data rate to be written to the server(s). This field is calculated from the above camera fields.
  • Camera Data Rate: Displays the peak instantaneous camera data rate to be sent over the network. This field is calculated from the above camera fields.
  • Storage Required: Total amount of storage required for all cameras on the row
  • Compatible Servers: The number of server configurations that meet the camera specifications. If this number is 0, increase the maximum number of servers.
  • Add Stream: For cameras that support multi-streaming, this button will appear. Click to configure an additional stream. The number of cameras, make, and model will be pre-populated and cannot be modified.

Step 2:

  • Model Selection: Select any of the left-hand radio buttons to narrow the server search to a particular series or type.
  • RAID 5/6: RAID (Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks) is an industry standard disk redundancy architecture. With RAID 5, any one disk in the server may fail without data loss, all video data will be lost if a second disk fails. RAID6 allows 2 disk failures with total video data loss after the 3rd disk failure.
  • Quad NIC: Select a server that can be configured with 4 NIC ports.
  • Redundant Power Supply: Allows power sourcing from two different sources for increased reliability.
  • Rackmount: Server form factor can be rack mounted (may require optional rack mounting kit)
  • Linux/Windows Server: Use these boxes to specify the OS
  • DVD RW: Check this box if a DVD RW is required in the server (note compatible USB DVD burners may be used on all models)
  • Server Will Host Client Software: If the client software on the server will be used to view live video or search stored video, check this box. Client performance can vary substantially based on quantity, resolution and compression of cameras. Client live/search performance is tested using 16 D1 cameras @ 15FPS.
  • Maximum Number of Web Client Connections: Enter the maximum number of simultaneous web clients hosted by the server. A client is defined as 16 D1 cameras @ 15FPS, enter >1 per simultaneous client if viewing at a higher data rate.
  • Alarm Input Quantity: Enter the quantity of TTL alarm inputs required
  • Audio Channel Quantity: Enter the quantity of audio input channels connected to the server. Omit any audio streams from IP devices (cameras or encoders)
  • Audio Recording Hours: Enter the total number of audio hours to be recorded from all sources (server audio input, IP cameras, IP encoders)

Step 3:

  • Sort the compatible server list via the pull-down on the top left. Select the desired server with the select button. Quantities may be increased with the + and - buttons.

Step 4:

  • Available options for the server selected in step #3 are displayed. Software licenses are automatically selected to meet requirements from steps 1 and 2. Manually select additional options with the + and - buttons.

Step #5:

  • Dealer name, project location and project description are optional fields that may be used to identify the project on your saved/printed reports.
  • Save Configuration: Pressing the save configuration will retain this configuration with a unique identification number allowing future retrieval of the configuration. The configuration will be erased if upon closing the browser or navigating away from the eV configuration tool without using the save function.
  • Load Configuration: To retrieve a previously saved configuration, enter the numeric configuration number provided when you previously pressed the save configuration button.
  • Export Configuration: This provides the option of exporting your configuration in .pdf, .xls or .csv formats.
Configuration Number:

Comments / What Happened?

Clicking 'Send' will save the current configuration before sending out an email to the support team.
This may take up to ten seconds.


Enter your configuration number:

Configuration saved! While usually instantaneous, please allow for up to two hours for your configuration to processed.

Your configuration number is:

To easily access your configuration, use the following link:

This calculator generates approximate storage and bandwidth estimations. The values provided are for planning purposes only.
Some cameras may not appear from the camera selection tool at this time.
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